7 4: The Meaning And Significance In Indonesian Culture

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In Indonesian culture, numbers hold great significance and are often associated with various beliefs and superstitions. One such number is “7 4”, which is commonly referred to as “tujuh empat” in the Indonesian language. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of 7 4 in Indonesian culture and how it is perceived by the locals.

The Meaning of 7 4

The number 7 4 is a combination of two numbers, 7 and 4. In Indonesian culture, 7 is often associated with luck and prosperity, while 4 is considered unlucky. As a result, the combination of both numbers creates a mix of good and bad luck, which is why it is believed to be a powerful and significant number.

The Significance of 7 4 in Indonesian Culture

In Indonesian culture, 7 4 is often associated with gambling and luck. Many people believe that if they see the number 7 4 repeatedly or if it appears in their dreams, it is a sign of good luck. However, some also believe that the number brings bad luck, especially in terms of financial matters.

Superstitions Surrounding 7 4

There are various superstitions surrounding 7 4 in Indonesian culture. For instance, some people believe that if they are playing a gambling game and the number 7 4 appears, they should stop playing immediately as it is a sign of bad luck. Others believe that if they see the number 7 4 on a license plate or a clock, they should change their plans for the day as it is a sign that something bad might happen.

Religious Significance of 7 4

In addition to its cultural significance, 7 4 is also significant in the religious context. In Islam, the number 7 represents the seven heavens and the seven earths, while 4 symbolizes the four corners of the earth. Therefore, the combination of 7 4 is believed to represent the unity of heaven and earth, making it a powerful and significant number.


In conclusion, the number 7 4 holds great significance in Indonesian culture, both in terms of its cultural and religious significance. While it is often associated with gambling and luck, it is also a symbol of unity and balance. Whether it brings good or bad luck, the number 7 4 remains an important part of Indonesian culture and beliefs.

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