Contoh Krama Alus: The Art Of Polite Speech In Indonesian Culture

Contoh Kalimat Krama Alus
Contoh Kalimat Krama Alus from


Indonesia is not only famous for its beautiful natural scenery, but also its unique culture. One of the most interesting aspects of Indonesian culture is the use of different levels of speech called “bahasa krama” or “krama alus”. Krama alus is the highest level of speech used to show respect and politeness to others, especially to those who are older or of a higher social status. In this article, we will explore some examples of krama alus in relaxed Indonesian language.

The Use of Pronouns

In krama alus, pronouns are used differently compared to the standard language. For example, instead of using “aku” (I) or “kamu” (you), we use “bapa” or “ibu” (father or mother) to refer to ourselves and “anda” to address others. This shows respect and politeness towards the person we are speaking to.


Krama Alus: Bapa mau pergi ke pasar.

Standard Language: Aku mau pergi ke pasar.

Krama Alus: Apa yang bisa ibu bantu untuk anda?

Standard Language: Apa yang bisa saya bantu untuk anda?

The Use of Vocabulary

Krama alus also uses a different set of vocabulary compared to the standard language. Words like “saudara” (brother/sister) or “tuan” (sir/ma’am) are used instead of the usual words. This shows respect and politeness towards the person we are addressing.


Krama Alus: Permisi, saudara bisa membantu saya?

Standard Language: Permisi, kamu bisa membantu saya?

Krama Alus: Terima kasih, tuan/tuan putri.

Standard Language: Terima kasih, pak/bu.

The Use of Sentence Structure

In krama alus, the sentence structure is also different compared to the standard language. It uses passive voice and avoids using first-person pronouns to show humility and respect.


Krama Alus: Minta maaf, ini kamar tidak bersih.

Standard Language: Maaf, saya belum bisa membersihkan kamar ini.

Krama Alus: Mohon maaf, belum dapat membantu tuan/tuan putri.

Standard Language: Maaf, saya belum bisa membantu anda.

The Importance of Krama Alus in Indonesian Culture

Krama alus is not only a language form, but also a cultural practice that reflects the values of politeness, respect, and humility. It is used in formal situations such as meetings, ceremonies, or when addressing elders. However, it is also used in everyday conversation to show politeness and respect towards others. For Indonesians, using krama alus is not only a way of showing respect, but also a way of maintaining harmonious relationships and social harmony.


Krama alus is an important aspect of Indonesian culture that reflects the values of politeness, respect, and humility. By using krama alus in our daily interactions, we can show respect and appreciation towards others, especially those who are older or of a higher social status. Understanding krama alus can also help us appreciate and respect the rich cultural diversity of Indonesia.

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Contoh Krama Lugu: How To Speak In Relaxed Indonesian Language

Contoh Krama Lugu
Contoh Krama Lugu from


Indonesia is a country with diverse cultures and languages. There are more than 700 languages spoken in Indonesia, but the official language is Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia has its own specific rules of grammar and pronunciation, but it also has informal and relaxed versions. One of them is Krama Lugu.

What is Krama Lugu?

Krama Lugu is a relaxed version of Bahasa Indonesia. It is commonly used in daily conversations among friends, families, or coworkers. Krama Lugu is different from formal Bahasa Indonesia in terms of vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. It is more casual and friendly compared to formal Bahasa Indonesia.

How to Speak in Krama Lugu?

To speak in Krama Lugu, you need to know the basic rules of informal Bahasa Indonesia. Here are some tips on how to speak in Krama Lugu: 1. Use informal vocabulary In Krama Lugu, people usually use informal vocabulary instead of formal ones. For example, instead of saying “saya” (I), people use “gue” or “aku”. Instead of saying “makan” (eat), people use “ngemil” or “nyemil”. 2. Use slang words Slang words are common in Krama Lugu. Slang words are informal words that are used in specific communities or groups. For example, instead of saying “bagus” (good), people use “oke” or “mantap”. Instead of saying “tidak” (no), people use “nggak” or “gak”. 3. Use short form of words In Krama Lugu, people also use short forms of words. For example, instead of saying “sudah” (already), people use “udah”. Instead of saying “apa kabar?” (how are you?), people use “kabar?”. 4. Use intonation and tone of voice Intonation and tone of voice are important in Krama Lugu. People use different intonation and tone of voice to express their emotions and feelings. For example, if you want to express excitement, you can use high pitch and fast intonation. If you want to express disappointment, you can use low pitch and slow intonation.

Benefits of Speaking in Krama Lugu

There are several benefits of speaking in Krama Lugu. First, it can help you to build closer relationships with people. By speaking in Krama Lugu, you can show your friendliness and warmth. Second, it can help you to understand Indonesian culture better. Krama Lugu is a part of Indonesian culture, and by speaking in Krama Lugu, you can learn more about the culture.


Krama Lugu is a relaxed version of Bahasa Indonesia. It is commonly used in daily conversations among friends, families, or coworkers. To speak in Krama Lugu, you need to know the basic rules of informal Bahasa Indonesia. By speaking in Krama Lugu, you can build closer relationships with people and understand Indonesian culture better.

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